Wednesday, December 28, 2011

X'mas Hall Decoration part 3: Big n Bold Christmas Wreath

Finally, we reach the final tutorial for the indoor decoration. This time it's the classic wreath put at the backside of the St. Peter's Cathedral multi function hall. Specifically, it hung on the balustrade of the mezannine. As usual, since it's hanging 5 meters above the ground, the wreath size must be large enough to be seen from below, and lots of shiny christmas balls were used, too... Big and Bold !!

Before we proceed to the step by step tutorial, let us firstly thank to the team of Mrs. Mie Man, Ling Ling, Fang Chen etc. for making this gorgeous wreath...and now as usual the stuff we need are :
- artificial evergreen garland dia. 15 centimeter
- 1 gold color christmas ball dia. 15 centimeter
- lots of shiny gold and red color christmas balls, in different sizes
- some pine cones
- some gold colour artificial poinsettia flowers (medium size)
- some gold star decoration
- a 10 cm wide red wired ribbon
- green floral wire

To start to, we must form the basic wreath first. Fold and twist the artificial garland to form round shape, approx 80 centimeter in diameter. Next attach the red wired ribbon on the very top of the wreath by using wire, then attach the large gold ball on top of the ribbon. After that attach the remaining smaller balls, pine cones and star decoration around the wreath. Make it look like they're scattered all around. And that's it!!! Hang it on the wall or door that you've set...

This two tone red and gold coloured wreath is the classic one that will never be out of date. The shining balls scattered all around the wreath gives an elegant and expensive look... Do try it !

By the way do not hesitate to email us if you have some questions about the tutorial !!!

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