Saturday, January 7, 2012

Introducing New Products

Here it is one of our new products for the Lunar New Year!

For any 'Imlek' decor, cherry blossom is almost mandatory.If we are sightseeing in a mall or enter a store that sells Chinese New Year decorations, we usually find arrangements of cherry blossoms mixed with twigs so as to form a tree then some small Chinese ornaments such as 'hung pau' or red envelope hung here and there. It's quite standard decor, right? Even lots of Chinese decorate their homes with decoration like this. So we try to make something different that people haven't had yet. Something that a little bit unique. And because this year is the year of the dragon, and as you know that dragon represents the empire and gold is the color of the emperor, then our theme for flower arrangements for this event is something (that is) elegant, golden or yellow color. So, this year we use yellow Cherry blossoms (Last year we made centerpiece in pink). The design itself is somewhat rather unusual. Three leaves folded to create small opening where some lotus tubers seen peeping. Some grass and spinach-like leaves with white streaks were used to cover the oasis. Gold colored ribbon and a nice card completed the floral arrangement. And if the party is over, just take out the card and you can put it on the living room for decoration.

Wishing you all a Happy and prosperous Lunar New Year 2563

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