Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tips 03: How to Make an Easy Gift Hamper

Actually among many kinds of gift hamper, a gift hamper contains of fruit is the easiest to make. You just simply prepare any kinds of fruit available in the market, usually ‘all year round’ fruit such as oranges, apples, pears etc, but avoid bananas because it contains ethylene gas that makes it or other fruit around easily ripe. You also have to prepare a basket where the fruit put into. You can use bamboo basket or the one which made of woven palm leaf ribs as they are cheap enough. You also need some old newspaper to be placed as a base at the bottom of the basket (this is necessary especially if the basket is quite deep and it will also help the fruit stay firmly at its place), then cover it with crepe paper.  That is it. Now you are ready to arrange the fruit into the basket.
Use your artistic instincts. Usually big fruit placed at the bottom, the upper the smaller and lighter. Put the fruit in groups, do not spread. Arrange the fruit in such a way as to balance. The easiest way is put them symmetrically, so that left and right side have equal weight.  Place the most exotic or expensive fruit at the front as a focus so it can be seen easily at a glance or from any point of view.  Sometimes you need double tape to make them stick together and stay at their place. Finally add bows, ribbon or other accessories to make the gift hamper look more beautiful.

If you want the gift hamper look more special, combine it with flowers. See my old post (Step by Step Tutorial - posted on  5 January 2012).

Easy, right? Finally wrap with plastic wrap. Well, now the gift hamper is ready to be sent.

NB: If you use fruit stored in the refrigerator, make sure you take it out and let in the open air for a few minutes to near room temperature before being arranged so that non-condensing.

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