Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Church Décor: The National Bible Month

Time goes by very quickly, right guys? We have already been in the fourth week of September. And September is stated by the Catholic church of Indonesia as the month of the Bible. The theme of the National Bible Month of 2012 is 'Witnessing the Miracle of God'

Just like its name, so every activity done in this month should be focused on the Holy book, no exception the eucharist  and so is the decor. The Bible is put on a special table. And the table is placed in the front, a bit on the right side of the altar (image above).
The flowers arrangement in front of the altar (image below). The flowers used are white lilies, roses of Avalanche and Aleandra, two kinds of gerberas (white and yellow, which the last is called Mamot), while the foliage is sprengeri, dracaena, philodendron and leather leaves. Overall, those flowers give shades of white-yellow.

An up-close look of the Bible table

The flower arrangement placed at the Cathedral activities facility building, under the photo of Pope Benedict XVI.

Church Décor: Team Margriet

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