Sunday, December 9, 2012

Bouquet Parade (2) : Extraordinary Orchid Bridal Bouquet in Cascade Style

For those of you who hate ordinary product, this can be your inspiration...A look as intricate as this requires an artistic florist who can create a kind of bridal bouquet…. Oh no, you’re not imagining it, those green ones are indeed long green beans J

The base of this bridal bouquet requires black aluminum wire, lots of rattan bangles and long green beans. First, make some spiral from the aluminum wire. Then interlock a rattan bangle to the other to make a long chain. After that,  enter the long rattan chain into the black spiral wire and adjust the wire to make the shape of the bouquet. You can also use wire to fasten them for a neater result and finally insert the long beans here and there to make them look solid. Do not use glue, but looped or bent only. Do this carefully because it's easily cut off… (yes, it’s definitely not for amateurs)

Overall, the base of the bridal bouquet would look like this. The front and back side

After the base was done, the rest was just attaching the white phalaenopsis and purple omprina with floral adhesive and done!! You can see the finished look above.

And here’s the close-up look on details

Hope this will inspire you, and we’ll meet on the next bridal bouquet ideas!!!!

The images taken at the bridal bouquet workshop by Andy Djati Utomo S.Sn, AIFD, CFD  on October 25th, 2012 at Landmark Convention Hall, Bandung.

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Hi!! Welcome to It is a floral design blog created and managed by Flo and little Flo. We have the same passion in any kinds that related to flowers especially Flo as she has been joining in a group of floral designers for church for dozen years. We wish to share our thought in flower arrangement, exchanging floral ideas and hopefully this can be an inspiration for your daily life, housing decor and of course for your wedding. Thanks so much for stopping by.