Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Still Another Inspirations for Christmas Décor 2012

And now this is another Christmas flower decorations ideas, this is done by Mrs. Tania.  The only Christmas ornament we can see is the golden baubles, no poinsettia, 'cranberry like' fruit or other Christmas resemblance. In this arrangement, she’s more focus into the Christmas colors and the design.  As you can see in the picture above, the folded cordyline leaves can balance the length of the anthurium stems. Since the flower arrangement is quite big, so if your living room is not big enough, it's advisable if you put it at the corner table. It's much safer there, especially if you have quite lot of kids, nephews & nieces at home.

This is the details of the materials she used such as anthurium, roses, cordyline, phittosporum and gold color christmas balls.

Here’s an even more closer look on the roses christmas ball

After this, we’ll show you some christmas tree decorations ideas. Yup, enough on the table centerpiece, let’s begin with the trees!!!!

The images were taken at the IPBI DPC Bandung's Monthly Gathering on Nov 22nd, 2012.

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