Friday, January 18, 2013

Flower Design : White on White Wedding Church Decor

Hi, everyone!!! Enjoying your weekend? We too J….. This weekend will be another flower arranging day which is why I’m so excited.

Actually a couple months ago I had this idea, not just to share the finished wedding church decoration but also to tell the process of designing the wedding décor. However the process of sketching (on papers), scanning and editing is a bit too much for me (lazy.. lazy.. ) so the idea went on hiatus until I got my new toy : the Samsung GalaxyNote J

Hoho, with the Samsung Note memo application, it’s quite easy to sketch a flower arrangement, move the file to my laptop and uploaded them to flowerdeily. And thus begin to our new category …the Flower Design post. These posts will consist of my sketch of the flower arrangements and later will be continued with post about the finished products of the Wedding Flower arrangements. It’s still on trial and hopefully this series can go on…( pray I’m not in lazy mood). Our very first flower design post in 2013 will be 'A White on White Wedding Church Decoration'.

The color palette will be white on white whit just a touch of green. I’d like to make an elegant white half moon shaped flower arrangement. So here’s my first design, I want it  a bit different from the usual I did but still not cross the line from the Liturgy rules, so I chose half moon shape with the focus on top and a bit drapery beneath. And the flowers needed are white dendrobium, white snapdragon, lilies of Casablanca, roses of Avalanche, hydrangea, shamrock and green amaranthus. Most flowers placed in group and only a bit spreading.

Of course, a Plan A will not be complete without a Plan B, just in case some flowers not available, I’m going to make an oval or convex shape but this one in European style, so lots of flowers will be placed in spreading. The flowers needed are almost the same, only some changed with lysianthus and fiji
So far, that’s it for the plan and how this sketch will be implemented in the real wedding flower arrangements, we’ll keep you updated!

NB : All flower sketches made using Samsung Galaxy Note GT-N7000

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