Tuesday, February 5, 2013

First Friday of The Month: St. Elizabeth’s Turn

The first Friday mass of this month, Feb 1st, 2013 was the turn of the people of the region St. Elizabeth who prepared everything. Then, what should be prepared ie the lector, psalmist, altar helpers, choir/gospel etc, as well as preparing the church decor such as the flower arrangement in front of the altar, Jesus & Mary statues and on the seven candle stand, offerings fruit & flowers. The liturgical color for the first Friday is red. It means that there should be the element of red color in the flower arrangement.

Since Thursday 31st, 2013 there were 2 couples who got wedding ceremonies (These were the last brides before we're entering the pre-easter weeks, where the church of St. Peter Cathedral Bandung usually doesn't hold the sacrament of marriage), then the church has been beautifully decorated by Team Margriet. So, they didn't do much, just added the red color a bit. How lucky the people of St. Elizabeth are! However, the flower arrangement on the seven candle stand and offerings fruit & flowers must remain to be made.

These were what the flower arrangements look on the seven candle and the flowers offerings. If the seven candle stand is usually placed in front of Mary statue, this time during the first Friday mass, it's placed in front of the Jesus statue because the main devotion of the first Friday is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Just put some stems of red carnation on the flower arrangement in front of the altar made a day before, then it's ready to be used for the first Friday mass.

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